For each item, circle the number that best represents your belief. use the following scale as a guide:
4 = I strongly believe the statement is true.
3 = I believe the statement is true.
2 = I believe the statement is false.
1 = I strongly believe the statement is false.
1. My school principal is the person who will have the ultimate responsibility for the successful operation of my school. 4
2. If I decide to teach in an elementary school, I'll have to choose between promoting my students' social and emotional development versus preparing them for standardized tests. 1
3. Middle and junior high schools are essentially the same but are given different labels. 2
4. Larger schools generally provide students with better educations, because they have better facilities and can provide a wider variety of programs. 3
5. If some of students fail to master the content at the grade level I'm teaching, retaining the students in that grade is the best way to ensure that they will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to succeed at the next grade level. 2
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