Friday, October 31, 2014

Finding a Good School

3.1 Describe characteristics of an effective school.
  • Effective schools are of an optimal size and have strong academic focus and leadership, high collective efficacy, and interactive instruction. They monitor the progress of students, maintain a safe and orderly environment, and involve parents and the community.
3.2 What is the most distinguishing characteristic of effective instruction in effective schools?
  • The most distinguishing characteristic of effective instruction is interactive instruction. Teachers involve their students in learning activities that actively involve students in the content they're learning instead of lecturing them and giving them menial seat work.
3.3 Why is frequent monitoring of student progress essential for an effective school?
  • It allows teachers to gather a lot of information on the students' understanding of course content. I also think that monitoring student progress allows you to see trends in student performance. It can give you a heads up on whether or not changes need to be made to the instruction.

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